Easter Calendar

4/02 - Easter Egg Hunt

11am - 2pm  -  Kelly Lane Park, Sapulpa
Egg Hunts (5000 eggs) are split into age groups: Birth-5yrs old, Grades 1-5th, and 6-12th grade (Extreme Hunt). All hunts will have some eggs filled with number slips to receive a larger Prize.
  • FREE food - hotdogs, Snow Cones, Cotton Candy, Popcorn
  • Music - First Baptist Sapulpa Worship Teams & KXOJ
  • Petting Zoo - goats, bunnies, chickens, ducks, pigs
  • Inflatables - jump/slide house, soccer darts, mechanical bull
  • Games - GaGa pit, 9 square, Connect 4, Corn hole
  • Fishing Derby tournament - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.  Winners are determined by the weight of the fish.
  • Photo Booth - Professional photographer to take FREE pictures

4/03 - Easter UnCracked

11:01am  at FBC Sapulpa
Sunday Sermon: Why does Easter move every year on the calendar? Why Easter eggs? Why a bunny?

4/06 - Seder Meal 

6pm at FBC Sapulpa
The Seder Meal shows the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God...one you may never forget! We will use Scripture as well as the visual items to walk through a Jewish Passover Seder, weaving in the story of the life, death and resurrection of Christ.  Register to attend.

4/10 - Palm Sunday

11:01am at FBC Sapulpa
Sunday Sermon: What's up with the Palm Branches?

4/13 - MIDWeek Block Party

5pm - 7pm at FBC Sapulpa
Instead of our normal MIDWeek, we will have a free family night of food, games, and music.

4/15 - Good Friday

6pm at FBC Sapulpa
Special service where we reflect on the magnitude of Jesus laying down his life for us.

4/17 - Easter Sunday

Service 8:31am 
(nursery for birth-5yrs)
Service 11:01am 

(kids programming birth-5th grade)
Hispanic Service 11:01am

Sunday Service: We will look at God's greatest act of love as we uncover the HOPE: Delivered to all of humanity. 

Service Times

9:45 am - Engage Groups
11:01 am - Worship Service
Hispanic Worship
1stKIDS Church

5:00 pm - MIDWEEK Meal
6:00 pm - Adult Studies
1STUDENTS (6th - 12th)
1stKIDS (Infant - 5th)