When you arrive on campus, you will find our F.I.T. team in the parking lot and at the exterior doors with a welcoming smile and willingness to help direct you to your desired location. Our 1stKIDS Check-in station is located on the 1st floor.
1stKIDS ministry is a safe and fun environment for children from Nursery to 5th grade. Children are broken up into
age appropriate classes to learn about Jesus through activities and interactive Bible learning.
1stKIDS ministry is a safe and fun environment for children from Nursery to 5th grade. Children are broken up into
age appropriate classes to learn about Jesus through activities and interactive Bible learning.
1stKIDS Preschool
(Nursery - age 4) Located on the 1st floor behind a set of locked doors for the safety of your children.
1stKIDS : Kindergarten
Located on the 1st floor.
1stKIDS : 1st-5th grade
Classrooms are located on the 2nd floor. You can take the elevator or the stairs at the end of the hall.
1stKIDS Church : Kg-5th grade
Located on the 2nd floor
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

We offer classes on Sunday mornings with an interactive Bible-learning through activities and Bible stories for
Nursery - 5th grade.
We offer classes on Sunday mornings with an interactive Bible-learning through activities and Bible stories for
Nursery - 5th grade.
A place where kids get a glimpse into what "BIG" church will look like. The Sunday service is full of kid-focused worship, fun games, Bible knowledge drills, and an interactive sermon.
A place where kids get a glimpse into what "BIG" church will look like. The Sunday service is full of kid-focused worship, fun games, Bible knowledge drills, and an interactive sermon.
MIDWEEK (August - May)
Our 1stKIDS Ministry MidWeek is an exciting time of games, worship, a message geared for each age and fun
activities for all ages.
Our 1stKIDS Ministry MidWeek is an exciting time of games, worship, a message geared for each age and fun
activities for all ages.